
Click below to be guided through a 1 minute Cobra stretch


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A person performing the Cobra


Cobra Pose is an excellent yoga pose for stretching and strengthening the spine, improving posture, and relieving mild back pain. It also helps open up the chest, which can improve lung capacity and respiratory function. When practiced regularly and with proper form, Cobra Pose can contribute to a healthier and more flexible back.

Starting position

  1. Start by lying face down on a soft surface with your legs extended and your toes pointed away from your body.


  1. Place your palms flat on the mat, directly under your shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward.
  2. Press the tops of your feet into the mat and engage your leg muscles.
  3. Inhale as you gently lift your head, chest, and upper abdomen off the mat. Keep your elbows slightly bent and your shoulders relaxed.
  4. Use the strength of your back muscles, particularly your lower back, to lift your upper body. Avoid putting too much weight on your hands.
  5. Keep your gaze forward or slightly upward without straining your neck. Your neck should be in a neutral position.
  6. Hold the pose, breathing deeply and maintaining a gentle curve in your lower back.
  7. To release, exhale as you slowly lower your upper body back to the mat.
  1. In the beginning, don't try to lift your chest too high off the ground. Lift as much as feels comfortable, and gradually work on increasing the height over time.
  2. Focus on using your back muscles (particularly the muscles of the lower and middle back) to lift your chest, rather than relying solely on your hands and arms. This will help avoid straining your lower back
  3. Keep your elbows close to your body rather than flaring them out to the sides. This helps protect your shoulder joints and engage the muscles in your upper back.
  4. Avoid straining your neck by keeping it in a neutral position. Your gaze should be slightly forward or upward

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