Seated Figure Four Stretch

Click below to be guided through a 1 minute Seated Figure Four Stretch stretch


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If you feel any pain during a stretch, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist.

A person performing the Seated Figure Four Stretch

Seated Figure Four Stretch
Repeat for each leg/arm

The Seated Figure Four Stretch is a glute stretch that targets the muscles in your hips and buttocks. Perform this stretch on the floor or in a chair for a comfortable and effective way to release tension.

Starting position

  1. Option 1 (On the Floor): Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Option 2 (In a Chair): Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the floor.


  1. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, forming a figure-four shape with your legs.
  2. Sit tall and maintain good posture.
  3. Lean slightly forward, feeling a stretch in your glutes and hips.
  4. Hold the position and breathe deeply.
  5. Switch sides to target both glutes.
  1. Keep your back straight throughout the stretch.
  2. Adjust the intensity by leaning more or less forward.
  3. Focus on deep, controlled breathing.

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