Scalene Stretch

Click below to be guided through a 1 minute Scalene Stretch stretch


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If you feel any pain during a stretch, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist.

A person performing the Scalene Stretch

Scalene Stretch
Repeat for each leg/arm

The Scalene Stretch is a neck and shoulder stretch that targets the scalene muscles on the sides of your neck. This stretch helps improve neck flexibility and relieve tension.

Starting position

  1. Sit or stand with a straight spine.
  2. Drop your right ear towards your right shoulder, feeling a stretch on the left side of your neck.


  1. Hold for the time shown on the countdown.
  2. For a deeper stretch, gently apply light pressure with your right hand on the left side of your head, guiding it towards your shoulder.
  3. Switch sides when prompted, dropping your left ear towards your left shoulder and using your left hand if desired.
  1. Perform the stretch gently; avoid forcing the neck.
  2. Focus on breathing deeply to enhance relaxation.

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