Thread the Needle

Click below to be guided through a 1 minute Thread the Needle stretch


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If you feel any pain during a stretch, stop immediately and consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist.

A person performing the Thread the Needle

Thread the Needle
Repeat for each leg/arm

Improve shoulder and spine mobility with the Thread the Needle stretch. Start on all fours, threading one arm under the other, rotating through the torso.

Starting position

  1. Begin on all fours with your wrists directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
  2. Keep a neutral spine and engage your core for stability.


  1. Inhale, reaching one arm toward the ceiling, opening your chest.
  2. Exhale, threading the lifted arm under the opposite arm, bringing your shoulder and temple to the ground.
  3. Hold for the time indicated on the countdown, feeling a gentle stretch through the upper back and shoulders.
  4. Switch sides when prompted, maintaining a smooth and controlled motion.
  1. Maintain a steady breath throughout the stretch for enhanced relaxation.
  2. Focus on the rotation of your torso to maximize the stretch.

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